Star Wars Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 332

Seanthehedgehog said …
I'm not on here as much as I used to be, but I can safely say that everyone hear including myself, will be excited to see The Acolyte once it premieres on Disney Plus tomorrow. Posted 2 days ago
makintosh said …
May the 4th be with you Posted over a year ago
Aurychansan said …
Mia figlia si è vista la serie OBI Wan e dove c'è l'attore mads mikkelsen Posted over a year ago
jlhfan624 said …
May the fourth be with you all! Posted over a year ago
Daniboiiii said …
Hello there Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent" - Qui Gon Jinn Posted over a year ago
whatsupbugs commented…
Liam Neeson knows what he's talking about. over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Anakin: Are you The Dark Knight? over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Qui Gon: No, but I trained him. over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Let's talk about dogs. This has been on my mind for a while, but I want to get a chihuahua & name it BB8. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
The Longest Day is finally complete. It's not as long as I thought it would be, being only 20 separate articles, but I had fun writing it. The full fan fiction will be available in one article tomorrow on this club, and several others. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Anyone like my new icon? Posted over a year ago
cynti19 commented…
I love Poe Dameron, no question asked [for me]. ;) over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Good to meet another Star Wars fan who likes Poe. over a year ago
cynti19 commented…
Since 2016, pal. :) over a year ago
InvaderEleanor said …
Yoda??? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
He was here a while ago, but I don't know where he is now. over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
I'm doing a Star Wars marathon. I finished watching Revenge Of The Sith yesterday, and now it's time to watch Han Solo's new movie. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
If you like legos, the Star Wars collection has quite a variety of characters, and vehicles from most of the movies. Especially if you're playing one of the Lego Star Wars video games. I recently saw an advertisement for a few sets based off of the new Solo movie, and I'd like to collect at least one of them. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
On May 15th, I'll start a new fan fiction on this club. It will be called The Longest Day. It may even be the longest fan fiction I ever wrote. Posted over a year ago
kelseyjayne25 said …
how old is the Millenium Falcon anyways? how is it still flyable?!!!! Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Anything can fly as long as you take good care of it. over a year ago
Flickerflame commented…
I think it's meant to be comparable to a classic car which can still run even though it's decades old. over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
I'm thinking more on the lines of a seaplane. When was the last time you saw one of those flying? over a year ago
Winxclubgirl202 said …
Am I one of the few that did enjoy The Last Jedi? Actually saw it twice as a matter of fact Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Nah, you're not alone. Me, and a few others on here like it as well. over a year ago
RoseLovesJack commented…
I loved it over a year ago
cruella commented…
I liked it. It’s not one of my favorites of the Star Wars movies, but still good. over a year ago
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
Most of the people I talked to who have seen it either loved it, had mixed feelings about it, or enjoyed it over a year ago
Bai_Hu said …
Hi folks I'm new here. Been a Star Wars fan since seeing the 1st one SW 4 New Hope when it 1st came out. I've all from 1 to 7 & Rogue 1. Personally I don't even consider making comparisons as to which is better which is worse. Just take what I like from each one & that way enjoy each one for itself. Sure there is some shlocky work in some of the newer ones, especially that they too often use copycat of what was in the earlier ones, but why ruin my enjoyment by seeking what to complain about? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Nice to meet you. Sounds like you've been a fan for a very long time. over a year ago
Bai_Hu commented…
Thanks for the welcome Seanthehedgehog. Wondering if there are any people here over 50? over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
So you weren't even a teenager when it first came out. I guess that's your favorite Star Wars film. over a year ago
NightFrog said …
Guys, I understand the urge to share a good video when you find one, but can we please cool it with the 10+ videos a day thing and spread it out a little bit? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
Or at least post GOOD videos. Those music videos are garbage. over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
8 videos in 4 hours is REALLY excessive. It spams the update feed, and it doesn't even give people time to watch the videos if they'd want to. It's ridiculous. over a year ago
NightFrog commented…
What's good or not is really subjective and depends on everyone's tastes, the main problem is that too many videos are being added in such a short span of time. Even if they're considered good to a majority of people, it's still too much. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale said …
Watched basically a premiere of the Star Wars premiere (fuck yeah 'Straya) 16 hours ago, any if you peeps seen it yet so we can chat in a spoiler thread? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
A short fan fiction dedicated to a certain ship from the Rebel Alliance, has finally been finished. I do hope you enjoy it. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
We now have 1,000 videos on this club. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
For my 3rd Star Wars fan fiction, I'm pleased to say that Cruella will be in it. There's not much to see yet, but within a few days, there will be more parts added to my story, The Battle Of Coruscant. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
There are two parts left to my new fan fiction, The Bounty Hunter. I want to apologize for the lack of activity concerning my fan fiction, but the final two parts will be uploaded soon. Keep your eyes open, and feel free to comment. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
I think I got something going here. In my newest segment of The Bounty Hunter, I made my own version of I've Been Everywhere. It's a work in progress, but I do plan to post a full version once The Bounty Hunter is complete. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Ladies and gentlemen, a new star wars fan fiction will start this Monday. It will be written by your's truly. Posted over a year ago
big smile
harleenquinzel5 said …
Star Wars : The Last Jedi! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! When's it coming out? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog commented…
This December. over a year ago
harleenquinzel5 said …
Yeah, Poor Carrie Fisher. She was the best actress EVER!!!!! Damn I'm crying. R.I.P. Posted over a year ago
JeffFisch said …
Still trying to get over the loss of our Princess... I think this one is going to hurt for a long, long time... Posted over a year ago
tedoremphi said …
Why are all the famous people leaving us? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
RIP Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds

Goddammit, it still hurts whenever I see Han get cut down. This is just fueling it, damn it. Posted over a year ago
DR76 said …
I also want to say good-bye to Kenny Baker, who was my favorite droid. Posted over a year ago
DR76 said …
I will miss both Carrie Fisher and her mom, Debbie Reynolds. They were a talented and interesting pair. Posted over a year ago
harleenquinzel5 commented…
Her Mum died!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! over a year ago
rebecaleia said …
Devasted. My username is what it is because of her. Posted over a year ago
mhs1025 said …
RIP Carrie Fisher. You will be missed by all. Posted over a year ago
makintosh said …
So sad. RIP Carrie Fisher Posted over a year ago
Lovetreehill said …
RIP Princess Leia Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Hi everyone it's me again. Aside from writing Where Eagles Dare, I've been having a lot of fun with Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and the new Battlefront game. I have both for PS4. If you have never played these games before, but want to see what it's like, I will be posting videos about them on this club. Also, feel free to ask any questions about the videos, or about my story, Where Eagles Dare. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Happy December fellow Star Wars fans. Like I said in my previous wallpost, I hope you're enjoying my story, Where Eagles Dare. I will try to finish it before Christmas. Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Who's enjoying the fan fiction I got up here so far? Posted over a year ago
Seanthehedgehog said …
Hello everyone. Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
Lets all be honest..IF Rey does not turn out to be Luke Skywalker's daughter, cause face it that is not the mystery, the mystery is her mother and how she got seperated. IF she isnt then Episode 8 and 9 will not make sense and the film makers will have shoved continuity out the window. To have this Anakin incarnated shit is too stupid. Rey is strong and she can be the grand-daughter and daughter of Anakin and Luke not some rebirth thing through midiclorians. Posted over a year ago
VerySwag said …
Luv Star Wars So MUCH Posted over a year ago
Wolfpaw6 commented…
good over a year ago
Wolfpaw6 commented…
wanna RP over a year ago
Wolfpaw6 said …
Anyone wanna do a SW RP? Posted over a year ago
big smile
foofoobunny1 said …
I had 6 of the SW movies until today!! Got The Force Awakens cause I didn't get to see that!! Posted over a year ago
ForePrimeSEO said …
Next SW going to be sick. Posted over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
No it ain't over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
To add to what I already said and what billions of people around the world think...if Rey is not Luke's___--then episode 7 will basically make no sense. I KNOW there are still some skeptics, but even an inside discussion between Larry K and JJ- " Trust the audience to figure out on their own who her ( Rey's) parents will Mark and Daisy said we will know by the end of 7 without it being said out loud. Who her mother is and how she got to Jakku is the real mystery. #reyskywalker Posted over a year ago
Sideswipesgirl said …
I am a big fan with u guys Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
Everyone wants to know who Rey's parents are. Do you know?


Will the viewer know after the first episode or not necessarily?

Questions will be answered, absolutely. The main question will be answered. -
questions and answers from Daisy- Sounds like a confirmation that Luke is her father. Posted over a year ago
peteandco said …
I found a great article about Padme's death. I don't know why, but i can't submit it in the Links. So, if someone want to know more about it: link Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
**SPOILER**-I have heard some of the dumbest parental theories surrounding Rey- I CANNOT believe THAT IT IS NOT OBVIOUS to EVERYONE that she is LUKE SKYWALKER'S daughter. Good God- I have heard, Han and Leia- who do not acknowledge her at all in that kind of way, Kenobi-who was of the old Jedi code and a hermit, Palpatine? Anakin reborn??. When both Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy said this will cont. the Skywalker family tree. Posted over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
My mom thinks Rey is Luke's daughter too. over a year ago
Eleni4ever commented…
It's obvious. Look at the way Luke looks at her. over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
I agree she is his daughter!! Look at the first preview for episode 8 over a year ago
Eleni4ever said …
Is the VII movie any good? I'm trying to decide whether I should watch or not. Posted over a year ago
IndieGerman commented…
You should man. : ) over a year ago
3xZ commented…
You should watch all Star Wars live-action movies! over a year ago
cynti19 commented…
^Same over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
Better then Revenge of the Sith! It is so good! And funny but sad. over a year ago
Matt113 said …
My favorite character is Rey. Posted over a year ago
Derp569 commented…
I made a poll about it you should vote for her over a year ago
kkcools commented…
Cherie is my favorite character. over a year ago
kkcools commented…
😎 over a year ago
Matt113 said …
I have been a fan of Star Wars since I was little, seeing Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was amazing. I totally geeked out about it. I'm definitely going to see it again. Can't wait for the sequel. The cast did an amazing job especially Daisy Ridley, her performance as Rey was outstanding. A truly epic movie! Posted over a year ago
Eleni4ever said …
Star Wars is awesome. I like all of the characters. My favorite is Luke Skywalker. Posted over a year ago
big smile
yamishadow2001 said …
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Posted over a year ago
IndieGerman commented…
Yesss it isssss over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
**SPOILERS** Kylo Ren is Ben Solo- Han and Leia's only son. AND not confirmed yet but Rey is most likely Lukes daughter their ARE MANY SIGNS that point to her being his daughter and Anakins grand-daughter. GREAT MOVIE. Posted over a year ago
Eleni4ever commented…
I knew it! over a year ago
3xZ commented…
Agreed! Though it would be nicer if she's Ren's sister not cousin but then the main character has to have Skywalker as her/his surname, right? over a year ago
IndieGerman commented…
Veryy nice movie I have to agree. over a year ago
yamishadow2001 commented…
I definitely agree, but at first when I finished the movie I thought Rey might have something to do with Obi-Wan, but Star Wars is about the Skywalker family over a year ago
daththomas72988 said …
everybody should try star wars battlefront 3 it is the best star wars game created Posted over a year ago
Warrant4Arrest said …
star wars fans!
this is the force calling to you!!!
'superhero beat down' is having a new match
Darth Maul vs Spiderman
we must unite and ensure our sith lord wins such a battle!

link Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
May the 4th be with you! - I was Princess Leia all day, and joined a star wars club. I am now a member of the 501st local Rebel Alliance- Imperials join in too, but we just banter back and forth. LOL- ***SPOILER*** its basically almost 100% confirmed on reliable sources that Rey ( Kira Rey) is Han and Leia's daughter. Unless is is one heck of a ruse. Posted over a year ago
harleenquinzel5 commented…
Yeah, may the Force be with all of you! over a year ago
big smile
Simmeh said …
May the 4th be with you! :D Posted over a year ago
pumpkinqueen said …
May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars day~~ Posted over a year ago
Nanodesu commented…
*facepalm* I've heard this everywhere today and it's raping my ears..... over a year ago
Simmeh commented…
@Nanodesu May the 4th be with you. :) over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
I think its about time the internet and fanboys-people stop picking on the prequels cause overall the were extremely well made. AND they complain about all the CGI in the film when AVATAR was 98% CGI and about 2% story. Plus some of the places and aliens in the prequels had to be CGI because the galaxy was not under attack and people were free to travel to more worlds, that would have been hard to create by complete construction. Its nothing but a fad to pick on them now. Posted over a year ago
kelseyjayne25 said …
I've decided not to watch any previews and to be surprised... due to the fact that there are so many fake previews out there. Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
Han and Leia better be married in this next movie. That is all I have to say about their relationship. IF THEY ARE NOT, IM TURNING TO THE DARK SIDE AND WILL MAKE VADER LOOK LIKE A GIRL SCOUT!!! Im hoping they have at least one kid in this, but might have to wait for Epi. 8 ??? Posted over a year ago
OLDlk1 said …
And to think I almost dismissed the first movie for being nothing more than a campy sci-fi flick about 2 goofy robots and a princess. Who knew? Posted over a year ago
C_C_Syrup said …
I just ate Jar Jar today,he tasted as bad as he sounded. Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
I personally am still worried about the continuity of Episode 7, They should be about the Skywalkers and characters we have grown to love and possibly their offspring - not just about a bunch of unknowns. That would really ruin the franchise. I also think " the force awakens" is pretty lame Posted over a year ago
C_C_Syrup commented…
"The Force Awakens" is an awesome name for the movie that I am excited for.Maybe we will have the New Jedi Order,awesome characters like Corran Horn and Kyp Durron may be in this movie along with the Skywalkers! over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
I am worried that the Solo twins or at least Jaina Solo will not appear and that there will be a bunch of random names thrown at us and we are expected to follow. JJ Abrams better NOT do that. Star Wars is about continuation, doesnt matter how long it has been. I am so scared we are going to have a bunch of random people we have never heard of Plus the main three having and adventure and that sounds like no fun. It would be fun if there were some relationships. Posted over a year ago
Bia97 commented…
I agree, but unfortunately, will not be based on the Expanded Universe. Disney's attitude to transform the EU in no-canon is proof of that. Now, only the movies, Clone Wars, Rebels and new films will be canonical. over a year ago
RaveCDS said …
I've just learned the best news in days!! And I assume you have heard of it too. My favourite character possibly to return in the upcoming 8th movie! I'm sure no one else is happy to see the Supreme villain back, but oh well, I just had to express my joy somewhere... Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
According to some troll who hates the Prequels, Original Trilogy people are smarter than people who love/like the Prequel Trilogy- in other words if you like the prequel trilogy you are a moron this person said. I like all six movies, and felt offended- why why why do people still feel its cool to bash the prequels?? GOD they should grow up. Posted over a year ago
AlphaMoviestar commented…
i agree with you!!! if Attack of the Clones is one of my top favorites it must be just a little tiny bit good. DON'T YA THINK? fucking haters over a year ago
AlphaMoviestar commented…
nd i also truly love every movie for Star Wars over a year ago
RaveCDS commented…
Well, no offense back on them, but sounds like a moron's judgment... Just ignore them. I mean, okay, I can see why the prequel trilogy is not perfect. Still, Return of the Jedi was not either, in my opinion (well, except maybe the Emperor... XD) With that said, still no hate and I too like the six of them in their own way. However, my favourite is Revenge of the Sith ;) over a year ago
C_C_Syrup commented…
Revenge of the SIth was awesome! over a year ago
jackl said …
Hi guys, i am lonely and have 3 fans but want some more to talk to and to call my fans. If you become a fan of me I will most likely become a fan of you. Sorry for the spam. Bye Posted over a year ago
RaveCDS said …
Hi! I'm new on fanpop and a huge Star Wars fan. So, feel free to add me and talk/roleplay with me anytime. On messages or wall though, fanpop chat won't show on my computer for some unknown reason.
I have a fondness for the Dark Side, but not to worry, I don't bite or throw Lightening Force. Well, except when very angry... XD
So, yeah, sorry for the spam. See ya! Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
I have a crush On Darth Vader. He's hot. over a year ago
RaveCDS commented…
Yes, and his conflict makes him even more adorable over a year ago
MalcolmTron said …
Boba Fett is the best and greatest character in all of Star Wars By far. Boba Fett = FTW!!!! Hands down!!!! No question or doubt about that. Posted over a year ago
C_C_Syrup commented…
Boba Fett is perfect but screw his voice in SE Star Wars. over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
There is an Episodes 7-9 spot that I created if anyone can help or join I would appreciate. THANK YOU! Anything that has been released about 7. Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
MAY THE 4th BE WITH..ALWAYS! The Force is telling me, I have a very strong feeling, that Daisy Ridley is going to be Han and Leia's Daughter. - Apparently according to the wide world of the internet I am far from alone, so lets hope our thoughts are not betraying us, or that the cast photo is not testing are minds. ( Harrison , Daisy and Carrie ) Posted over a year ago
MalcolmTron commented…
Don't forget about Revenge of the 5th, and Revenge of the 6th!!!! over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
I AM REALLY SICK OF THE PREQUEL HATE THAT IS MENTIONED EVERY F-ing TIME, Star Wars comes up. All Six movies are great in their own way, why do whiny fanboys and critics insist on bashing the prequels to death, - especially when a movie like Avatar is the highest grossing movie ever with NO STORY and 99% CGI. GOD, is like STFU about the prequels, they DO NOT deserve the hate they get. Posted over a year ago
MalcolmTron commented…
I really hated Avatar after a while, and I thought that the Star Wars prequels were okay. over a year ago
big smile
3xZ said …
"Actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film. Source: Posted over a year ago
GabsSaw said …
The force is strong in this one. Posted over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
i posted this for the laughs over a year ago
jackl commented…
laugh laugh over a year ago
big smile
Persephone713 said …
" Han ma boogie, why ya crispa Greedo" Han: " Cause Jabba, I had bad nightmare that you chained my Girlfriend, love of my life and Future wife & MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN UP! like a pet Wookie wearing practically nothing - Not that I mind- Point with that outfit is, it should be worn in a bedroom behind locked doors in front of me. So you 800 pound sack of Bantha fodder that's PART! of why I { crispa Greedo}- oh, and he threatened another important girl in my life. THE FALCON~ So go to hell Jabba!" Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
I had fun, and imagined Han altering and yelling at Jabba a different reply from the sail barge right before Jabba died. So Enjoy. over a year ago
jackl commented…
lol over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
Okay, being a Disney fan and Star Wars fan I would like to clarify the truth about something. THIS IS NOT MY OPINION. Princess Leia is NOW a " Disney Princess/Heroine". There are many unofficial Disney Princesses- the only official Disney Princesses are the ones that are animated. Giselle from Enchanted is a Disney Princess- Dejah Thoris from JC of Mars is a Disney Princess, Tamina from Prince of Persia is a Disney Princess. Luke and Han are official Heroes. Vader is an official dad and Villain. Posted over a year ago
paige10967 said …
The Sith shall RISE! Try to beat me Jedi scum! My power is greater than even the Emperor! Posted over a year ago
Masiki12 commented…
The galactic civil war had strong sith but the old republic had stronger sith lords. your power is nothing compared to Darth Traya, Darth Nihalus, and the dark lord of pain, Darth Sion. over a year ago
paige10967 commented…
Yeah, but guess what? The Emperor himself has trained me since I could walk and at 3, I built my lightsaber. over a year ago
CrystalthekidRS commented…
I have known all the jedi abilities since I was BORN. Now I know sith ones too. AND I have had a lightsaber that can become any color. Why don't we be friends and I can teach you some... powers the emperor NEVER knew or EVER had. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
I honestly really hate it when obsessed fans put the Original Trilogy on a damn pedestal just because they came first. With the multiple issues that the prequels may have, they are enjoyable films and at the least should be treated as such. Not afraid to say that Revenge Of The Sith is my absolute favorite of the franchise for finally linking together with A New Hope. Posted over a year ago
OLDlk1 commented…
I agree that SW:ROTS is an epic movie in own right. But please understand that to us old timers SW: ANH was such a ground breaking film it has to be on a pedestal! over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Yoda: "Powerful you have become, Dooku. The dark side, I sense in you."

Dooku: "I have become more powerful than any Jedi. Including you."

Yoda: "Much to learn, you still have."

Dooku: "It is impossible to determine our power by the knowledge of The Force... but with our skills with a lightsaber." Posted over a year ago
tiny-penguin said …
I love Star Wars! And I thought I'd say that while my favourite characters are Anakin (Prequel series) and Han (Original) I think that Obi-Wan is the most significant one - right next to Yoda - because he's been through quite a lot in the movies. He's watched his master die (Qui Jong) trained Anakin, Fought Anakin when he became evil and introduced and taught Luke about the using the ways of the force. Posted over a year ago
xgilme said …
I have a problem here. A lot of my friends are starting to lose interest in Star Wars.What should I do? Should I just ignore their facebook messages they send every 5 minutes?Should i keep pressing on and try my best to get their old selves back?Somebody please just give me some advice for this. Posted over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
Well, I don't think you should ignore your friends, because they have other interests. I also wouldn't recommend that you pressure, it might not go too well. However, you could get them to rekindle their love for it by casually talking about it or bringing it up. You could also have them re-watch the movies or encourage them to read some Star Wars books. I hope this helps. On a side note, keep in mind that it's normal for friends to lose certain interests, just have patience. Who knows maybe they will regain interest again, it shouldn't be a big deal if they don't. If that's the case then try to find other things in common over a year ago
xgilme commented…
Wow, I never thought about it that way. I guess I was just approaching it the wrong way. That actually really helps. Thank you. over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
You're welcome glad I could help :). over a year ago
Jedi227 said …
so guys if you could have a lightsaber, what would it be? what color? what would the hilt look like? one blade or 2? Posted over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
My dream lightsaber would be double-blade like Maul's and the color orange :). over a year ago
tiny-penguin commented…
Maul's lightsaber is awesome and I'd have a red one. It wouldn't matter whether it was a single or double bladed one. over a year ago
Masiki12 commented…
I would have either have a green lightsaber and become a jedi counseler or have two single hilts with the color of yellow because i like the jedi sentinal sub-class. If not one of those jedi knight classes, I would be a sith and still be very strong in the force like a jedi counseler. over a year ago
CrystalthekidRS commented…
RAINBOW!!! over a year ago
gwendiamond said …
Damn you Rick Riordan, your books are too good to resist. I love Percy Jackson! I NEED HELP TO RECONNECT MY STAR WARS SELF!!! Posted over a year ago
padani53 commented…
Have you read the new Star Wars novel "Kenobi" by John Jackson Miller? This is an awesome book! Two other good reads are The Clone Wars Gambit series "Slealth" and "Siege". over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
Have to read it! Thx 4 the suggestion! over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
You should totally read that Kenobi book padani53 recomended, it's quite good in my opinion. Also, you could check out the Jedi Apprentice & Jedi Quest series by Jude Watson. over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
THX! over a year ago
hijoestudioso said …
Guess what people? I am alive! I bet most of you don't remember me, let me know if you do Posted over a year ago
CrystalthekidRS commented…
wait... are you... no... no way dude... omg... over a year ago
hijoestudioso commented…
Umhh, who are you exactly? over a year ago
hijoestudioso commented…
Oh I get it now never mind over a year ago
nelsonsuperfan said …
disney bought star wars and now i dont know if the new movie will be good or bad but i dont think they should use the original cast cause now they are really old haha Posted over a year ago
hijoestudioso commented…
That's the point of the movie over a year ago
rebecaleia said …
Great motto Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
Am I the only one who HATES IT that Dick Cheney calls himself Darth Vader? Darth Vader is the most badass villain in the galaxy, has fought in many wars, is not a coward, and has the quality of redemption. Cheney is not a badass, he is just an ass, he's a coward, and has no quality of redemption. OH and if you gave him a blaster he would shoot his friend in the head. Just bugs me when I hear that comparison. Vader and Leia are my fav. characters. Posted over a year ago
savana89 said …
ok don't hate me....I NEVER SAW STAR WARS but, I have read over 45 about it so that's why I love it Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
if you like the books, you will love the movies. Start with Episode 1 and go to 6, thats is my suggestion if you do watch them. over a year ago
jedigirl15 said …
I agree. The new banner is great. Better than the old one. Um, I really shouldn't be out here right now. I'm supposed to be doing my math... So, procrastination? Posted over a year ago
LeiaSkywalker commented…
Hey, sis. I would call that procrastination. over a year ago
Persephone713 said …
AWESOME NEW BANNER!!! I have a QUESTION- what BOOK- is it where Anakins force ghost appears to Leia to ask for her forgiveness, and she refuses. Is it Truce at Bakura? I want to read it. Posted over a year ago
rebecaleia said …
Wow cool new banner!! Posted over a year ago
opaquemystique said …
The new banner is awesome! I love how it incorporates all six episodes/movies :D. Posted over a year ago
big smile
pianoplay said …
Can someone please fan me? I just joined a month ago,and I need some fans so pleeeeees Posted over a year ago
Padme-Skywalker said …
Je t'aime, je sais ... Posted over a year ago
JohannSebastian said …
I love the fact that Disney will ruin Star Wars and probably turn it into a kid movie thing. Either way, they should've not made a sequel, I will just always take the ending as this


that Darth Vader's suit was burned and he turned into a Force Ghost.


other than that, I won't take any other ending. Posted over a year ago
opaquemystique commented…
Star Wars has always been aimed for kids, this is nothing new. That doesn't mean that people of all ages can't like it . over a year ago
KasarySkywalker said …
Is there still a chance to save the Clone Wars? PLEASE, GO TO '' to vote to save Clone Wars!!!! Email your friends! Get EVERYONE voting!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Darthmal said …
hi i am looking for some one that could edit some star wars pictures that i have Posted over a year ago